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给 Ricky 留言

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< ![CDATA[The cancer 说:
2016年8月23日 09:26

< ![CDATA[The cancer may shift your psyche, but our support for you will stay solidly in place and grow ever stronger.Never doubt that. From all corners of the earth...]]>

“Why is it we alwa 说:
2016年8月23日 08:46

“Why is it we always focus training on those just starting out, those who are the longest shots?” Because they&#8217;re the people that stand to benefit the most and are hungriest for the knowledge. Usually people with credits think they know what they&#8217;re doing, making themselves less willing to learn or get broken down by experts. Sounds more like a club for people to sit around and tell each other how much they &#8220;admire&#8221; their work and then go to the pub.

As painful an experi 说:
2016年8月21日 16:37

As painful an experience as this has been for you, I think you did need to go through it. You didn&#8217;t really understand what was on the line when you give your heart to someone when you got involved with TN. I call it paying the &#8220;idiot tax&#8221; when I end up in a situation where I unwittingly screw myself over. I make it a point to never pay it twice, however. It seems to me that you have learned a lot from this episode and are going to be a much stronger woman as a result. I&#8217;m not worried about you paying the tax again.

Considerando as cond 说:
2016年8月21日 10:13

Considerando as condições de trabalho dos agentes da PSP e os riscos que correm, o que me espanta é não haver mais doentes. Por outro lado, não estou a ver porque é que o médico deve ser investigado, até porque em última análise o médico é que sabe se a pessoa está ou não doente e se o senhor passou passou muitas baixas na esquadra A, B ou C, não poderá isso querer dizer que há qualquer coisa na esquadra (A, B ou C) que está a pôr em causa a saúde dos agentes?

I also think having 说:
2016年8月20日 20:53

I also think having to register is a bit extreme but if some of your ideas for plugins are used hopefully that won&#8217;t be needed. I particularly like CommentLuv too. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.comSian Phillips recently posted&#8230;

Thanks for spending 说:
2016年8月20日 09:57

Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so others don't have to.

Skjønne Anna :) Her 说:
2016年8月19日 19:52

Skjønne Anna :) Herlig blånisselue som ikke er blå, hihihi.. søta!Smart med en lue inni slik at den ikke klørt!Det kortet var helt fantastisk!Eli-Kristin er kjempe flink - hun tryller fram den ene nydelig kortet etter det andre :)Stor førjulsklem

Hi Jan, I’m Anne f 说:
2016年8月19日 17:32

Hi Jan, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm, and I’m visiting from the Clever Chicks blog hop.Wow, I&#8217;ve never seen this explained so thoroughly and so simply. Well done! Thanks for sharing.Anyway, it’s nice to “meet” you! Hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

This is a really int 说:
2016年8月19日 16:17

This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.

Por ejemplo un mapaw 说:
2016年8月18日 21:23

Por ejemplo un mapaweb considero que puede tener mas de esos 100 enlaces y no por ello considerarlo spam.Es una forma de ayudar al usuario a encontrar lo que busque en la web.&#191;Estoy en lo cierto?

In the complicated w 说:
2016年8月18日 17:53

In the complicated world we live in, it's good to find simple solutions.

Thanks Haidn! I appr 说:
2016年8月18日 05:48

Thanks Haidn! I appreciate you pointing it out to me. Always good to have another pair of eyes checking on things I&#8217;ll be sure to let you guys know when I have something coming up

Very true! Makes a c 说:
2016年8月17日 20:18

Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. :)

wilson / é li 说:
2016年8月17日 18:25

wilson / é lindo o espaço e as veses tenho uns sentidos de saudadequando vejo os astros o univerço é nessas horas que sempreafirmo DEUS existe.!!!!!!!!!Gostei deste comentário ou não: 4

&#8220;you can’t r 说:
2016年8月16日 22:10

&#8220;you can’t run different versions of the OS than what was originally installed&#8221;AFAIK, you can run older versions of FreeBSD in the jail. For example, if you&#8217;re running 6.2 in the host, you could run 6.1 in the jail.

Now I'm like, well d 说:
2016年8月15日 15:20

Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thankful for your help.