posted @ 2015年5月15日 15:34
in Other
, 1639 阅读
Sub massImport() ' Initialise Variables Dim objWSHShell Dim objOutlook Dim objActiveInspector Dim strVCFilename Dim objFileSystemObject Dim objFSOFile Dim objItem Dim lngReturnValue Dim olDiscard Dim cntImported As Integer 'change current working directory ChDrive ThisWorkbook.Path ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path sWorkingDirectory = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" impWorkBookName = ThisWorkbook.Name Application.Visible = False 'create object Set objFileSystemObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objWSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") vcfFile = Dir(sWorkingDirectory & "*.vcf") Do While vcfFile <> "" 'get full name with path strVCFilename = sWorkingDirectory & vcfFile 'connect outlook Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") If Not(objOutlook Is Nothing) Then 'handle file name with space lngReturnValue = objWSHShell.Run (Chr(34) & strVCFilename & Chr(34), 0, True) Set objActiveInspector = objOutlook.ActiveInspector Set objItem = objActiveInspector.CurrentItem 'save and close if outlook contact card object If (objItem.Class = olContact) Then objActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Save objActiveInspector.CurrentItem.Close olDiscard cntImported = cntImported + 1 End If 'clear Set objItem = Nothing Set objActiveInspector = Nothing Set objOutlook = Nothing Else MsgBox "Outlook连接错误," & strVCFilename & "不能导入" End If vcfFile = Dir Loop 'clear Set objFileSystemObject = Nothing Set objWSHShell = Nothing Application.Visible = True Workbooks(impWorkBookName).Activate MsgBox "共导入联系人数:" & cntImported End Sub
自动在当前目录搜索vcf文件并批量导入,不需要在VBA工程中引用Scripting Host什么的,比较方便